Please view all videos in full screen so you can see the detail of the images.
OverviewOver the new many months, we will be putting together a portfolio for the AP Exam in May. If they pass with a three out of five or better, they would have three units of college level art credit applied toward college. The cost of this would run about $95.00 for the test (this is the portfolio) and about $25.00 for little things such as matte boards, prints, and spray mount. I also suggest that they have an SLR digital camera for their AP work. The portfolio will be returned after being scored by the College Board and will be of professional quality.
The AP Studio Art program makes it possible for highly motivated high school students to do college-level work. You are asked to submit a portfolio of work for evaluation at the end of the school year. It is vital that you plan far enough in advance so that you can complete the portfolio on time. Portfolios must be submitted no later than around the 1st of May (This date is yet to be determined). To be included in the portfolio:
How to Set Up an Easy Weebly WebsiteFor this course, you will turn in your work through the Weebly website you set up. This will be done by you posting to it each week. Please watch the video to see how easy this is. Weebly is based on modular design elements. You just drag elements from the build tab to your page, or you just click and delete elements from your page. It's pretty simple.
You will need to go to Weebly.com and sign up for a free account. Once you have this set up and you've chosen a design, you will see that you have a Home, About and Contact Page. Please also create a Portfolio page under the Pages tab. Then set up pages for each of your projects and include them under the Portfolio page (again, please watch the video to see how to do this). On each project page you will need to set up a Gallery. A Gallery is found in the Build panel. Drag and drop it onto your layout. Upload the images for your project into the gallery. Click on the gallery when you've uploaded the images and set the Columns to four. Also go to Advanced and set the Image Ratio to None. Once your ready to publish your site, please click Publish in the top right corner. I also need you to tell me the web address of your site so I can critique your work each week. |
Photoshop and Pixlr
A Basic Tour of Adobe Photoshop and PixlrAdobe Photoshop is the industry standard image editor. Photoshop is the digital darkroom for pictures. It's used for many things but we will use it to edit and process images. If you will not be signing up for a subscription through Adobe's website at a students rate, you may also use Pixlr which is a free online alternative. While obviously not as robust as Photoshop, you can do what you need to in this program for this class. Please watch the video to introduce yourself to both of these programs if your not familiar with either.
Please note that if ever you have a question feel free to email me or you can post your question in the forum below. If you as a student see a question you can answer before I get to it, please answer the question posted by another student. Please do take a moment to help each other out. It should be noted that we are a team, and we need to help out fellow teammates if possible. This will also make this course more efficient. Thank you!