Below is an example AP portfolio. You can see that this portfolio is broken down into three sections. 1. Quality, 2. Concentration, and 3. Breadth. In total, students turn in 24 images, five of which are also matted and mailed in to the College Board. We have many example portfolios available to review once enrolled in this course. This portfolio will be produced in addition to projects that will teach you to create images at this level.
1. Quality SectionQuality:
5 original matted works at least 8 x 12 in size matted on 18 x 24 black poster board. |
2. Concentration SectionConcentration:
12 images (a series) organized around one visual concept i.e. architecture, perspective, macro, urban, culture, music, etc (but should utilize the elements and principles of design.) |
3. Breadth SectionBreadth:
12 images consisting of a variety of subjects and techniques, emphasizing the elements of art (line, shape, illusion of space, illusion of motion, pattern, texture, value, and color) and the principles of design (unity/variety, balance, emphasis, rhythm, and proportion/scale). |